Academic Journal Articles
- Investment bank reputation and issuance fees: Evidence from asset-backed securities, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2024, forthcoming (with Nodirbek Karimov and Gareth Downing)
- Does being a responsible bank pay off? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Financial Stability, 2024, forthcoming (with Steven Ongena and Yilmaz Yildiz)
- Gender, ethnicity and SMEs’ access to finance: A systematic literature review of global empirical evidence, International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 2024, forthcoming (with Jiafan Li)
- Deposit Insurance and Bank Liquidity Creation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2024, forthcoming (with Xiangyi Zhou, Xinyue Li and Yifan Zhou)
- CEO risk-culture, bank stability and the case of the Silicon Valley Bank, Economics Letters, 2023, Volume 233, 111373, (with Artur Semeyutin and Said Kaawach)
- Consumer bankruptcy: Decision, choice and access to credit afterwards,International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2023, forthcoming (with Atilla Gumus, Ahmad Hassan Ahmad, and Karligash Glass)
- Board gender diversity and responsible banking during the Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2022, Vol 74, 102213 (with Aziidah Nanteza, Aydin Ozkan and Yilmaz Yildiz)
- Dividend Payout Strategies and Bank Survival Likelihood: A Cross-Country Analysis, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, Volume 81, 102129 (with Vu Trinh and Marwa Elnahass)
- Pension De-Risking Choice and Firm Risk Traditional versus Innovative Strategies,International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022, Vol 81, 102064 (with Zezeng Li)
- The impact of legal advisor-issuer cooperation on securitization pricing,Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 2021, Vol 30 (5), pp 167-199 (with Nodirbek Karimov and Gareth Downing)
- Awarded Best paper in Financial Management at British Academy of Management Conference 2020
- Bank reputation and securitization quality: European evidence, Finance Research Letters, 2021, Vol 46, Part B, 102427, (with Solomon Y Deku and David Marques-Ibanez)
- Achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through Financial Inclusion: A Systematic Literature Review of Access to Finance across the Globe,International Review of Financial Analysis, 2021, Vol 77, 101833 (with Haoyong Zhou and Yifan Zhou)
- Ethnic minorities access to mortgages in the UK: The undesirable impact of the Great Financial Crisis, Finance Research Letters, 2021, Vol 45, 102183 (with Solomon Y Deku, Kay Smith and Mengxue Xia)
- Do investors value frequent issuers in securitization?, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2021, Vol 57, pp 247–1282, (with Solomon Y Deku and Nodirbek Karimov)
- The predictive strength of MBS yield spreads during asset bubbles, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2021, Vol 56, pp 111–142 (with Solomon Y Deku and Artur Semeyutin)
- Brexit Referendum and the UK Securitization Market, Applied Economics Letters, 2020, Vol. 28 (13), pp 1092-1097, (with Nodirbek Karimov and Anh Phuong Nguyen)
- Chair-CEO generation gap and bank risk-taking, British Accounting Review, 2019, Vol 51. (4), pp 352-372 (with Yifan Zhou and Philip Molyneux)
- Securitization, bank behaviour and financial stability: A systematic review of the recent empirical literature,International Review of Financial Analysis, 2019 (online in 2018), Vol. 61, pp 245-254 (with Solomon Y Deku and Yifan Zhou)
- Trustee reputation in securitization: When does it matter?, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 2019, Vol. 28(2), pp 61-84. Lead Article (with Solomon Y Deku and David Marques-Ibanez)
- Securitization and credit quality in the European market, European Financial Management, 2019 (online in 2018), Vol. 25(2), pp 407-434 (with David Marques-Ibanez and Steven Ongena)
- Also published as: The Federal Reserve Board, 2015, International Finance Discussion Papers 1148 and International Monetary Fund (IMF), 2016, Working Paper, WP/16/221
- Household access to mortgages in the UK, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2017, Vol. 52(3), pp 253–275 (with Philip Molyneux)
- Securitization and lending standards: Evidence from the European wholesale loan market,Journal of Financial Stability, 2016, Vol. 26, pp.107-127 (with David Marques-Ibanez and Steven Ongena)
- An earlier version of is also published in International Financial Discussion Paper, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, August 2015, Number 1141.
- Access to consumer credit in the UK, The European Journal of Finance, 2016, Vol. 22(10), pp.941-964 (with Solomon Y. Deku and Philip Molyneux)
- Securitisation and banking risks: what do we know so far?,Review of Behavioural Finance, 2015, Vol 8 (1), pp. 2-16 (with Aydin Ozkan and Yener Altunbas)
- Determinants of syndicated lending in European banks and the impact of the financial crisis,Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2014, Vol. 32, pp. 473–490 (with Barry Howcroft and David Marques-Ibanez)
- Asymmetric information among lenders and the value of repeat lending, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2012, Vol. 22 (4), pp. 913–935 (with Blaise Gadanecz and Philip Molyneux)
- An earlier version is also published as: The value of repeat lending, Bank of International Settlements Working Paper Series, July 2011, 29 pp., No 350.
- The rationale behind Informal Finance: Evidence from Roscas in Bolivia,Journal of Developing Areas, 2011, Vol. 45, pp.191-209 (with Yener Altunbas and Sebastian Donoso)
- Why do banks join loan syndications? The case of participant banks, The Service Industries Journal, 2011, Vol. 31(9), pp.1063-1075 (with Yener Altunbas)
- Large debt financing: Syndicated loans versus corporate bonds, The European Journal of Finance, 2010, Vol. 16 (5), pp. 437-458 (with Yener Altunbas and David Marques-Ibanez)
- Corporate governance and corporate ownership: The investment behaviour of Japanese institutional investor, Central Bank of Spain Occasional Papers, 2007, 54 pp., No 0703, (with Yener Altunbas and Adrian van Rixtel).
- The evolution of syndicated loan markets,The Service Industries Journal, 2006, Vol. 26(6), pp. 689-707(with Yener Altunbas and Blaise Gadanecz)
- Do credit markets have faith in IMF imprimatur?Journal of World Economic Review, 2006, Vol 1(2), pp.221-239 (with Yener Altunbas and Shanti Chakravarty)
- Key factors affecting internationally active banks' decisions to participate in loan syndications, Applied Economic Letters, 2005, Vol.12 (4), pp.249-253. (with Yener Altunbas and Blaise Gadanecz)